1878 Church was established and first met in a skating rink and then a school house.
1883 The original Church Building was completed.
1915 The auditorium was expanded on the south side and the steeple was moved from
the original building to it’s present location on the bell tower.
1924 Classrooms were added to the back of the building.
1927 The basement was completed.
1956 Classrooms, one upstairs and one in the basement, were added on the S.W. corner.
1996 The auditorium was expanded and classrooms added on the north side.
2005 The annex building was completed across the street.
2014-present David Humphreys
2008-2014 Justin McMurdie
1994-2008 Danny Harrod
1956-1994 Delbert White
The links below include information about ministers prior to 1956
Pioneer Church History: Douglas County
History by long time member, Bessie Lakey,
for the 100 year anniversary in 1978.